Bachelor Project: Arkandh
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Development Time: 3.5 Months
Singleplayer 3rd-Person Action Game
Arkandh is inspired by the boss fights featured in the Souls games and mostly focuses on the creation process of said boss fights. This project is mostly a learning project - I wanted to dabble in developing gameplay features similar to one of my favourite franchises and see how far I can get as a solo dev.
The focus of this game projects covers
MVP Features for Player Controller in ActionGame genre
Boss & Combat Design
Implementation Boss AI through Behavior Trees
The first image is a rough gameplay mockup that I created - The second image is a screenshot from our game.
Player Mechanics
Priority for the player controller were general input responsivesness and satisfying combat feeling.
To prevent a floaty feeling player controller some actions are handled by root locomotion movement, giving them a more grounded feeling
To provide satisfying visual feedback to combat, each successful hit will trigger a slight screenshake, a slash VFX and a UI animation on the enemies healthbar (see below)
A Basic combo move adds some variety to the combat
Design and implementation of ingame HUD were also part of my responsibility
Both player and enemy healthbar played UI animation on stat changes
Currently active item and available use count are part of the player HUD elements
Action Mapping is visible at all times to help newer players in learning the controls
Stage progression and currency are displayed on the top right corner
Additional UI Elements
Debug Menu for playtesting
We had prototypes for shops and dialogue interactiosn with NPCs.
Animation examples for our two playable boss characters.
Ardashir - Large slow-moving fire giant who uses a greatsword and fire attacks
Hester - Nimble duelist who dualwields two thing longswords.